Challa South
Challa South – Vanadium
The Challa South Project covers the southern part of the Narndee LIC, and surrounding supracrustal rocks. It covers a broad regional basin structure approximately 30 km wide. The oldest rocks belonging the Yaloginda Formation is interpreted to occur to the north and east. This formation consists of a rhyolite, fine to medium grained felsic volcanoclastic sedimentary rocks, with interbedded units of ferruginous shales and banded iron formation.
The contact between the Yaloginda Formation and younger Narndee LIC is not exposed, and the older rocks may form a roof pendant over the intrusive complex.
The southern part of the project area covers the Lower and Middle Zone of the Narndee LIC. The Middle zone comprises a cyclically layered pyroxenite and gabbro-norite sequence. The Lower Zone, which is a zone approximately 2 kilometres thick, and comprises cyclically layered peridotite, pyroxenite, gabbronorite and anorthosite. The cyclical nature of these units attests to the periodic introduction of new pulses of less evolved parental magma into the more evolved resident magma within the main chamber. The eastern side of the project area is interpreted to contain a raft of the upper Windimurra LIC that has been offset from the main body by regional scale faulting.
Granitic rocks belonging to the Mount Kenneth Group intrude the sequence.
Watson's Well – Vanadium
Initial mapping has discovered meta-gabbro outcrop and magnetite banding at Watson’s Well within a broader 5km long magnetic anomoly. Recent rock chip sampling has shown peak values up to 1.64% Vanadium Pentoxide (V2O5). 21 MagLag samples have been taken by Santa Fe and returned grade between 0.56% and 1.23% V2O5 (average grade 0.96% V2O5). In light of this, the Company is now investigating the potential for Windimurra style Vanadium/Magnetite/Titanium mineralisation.